How-Tuesday 10: how to make pyjama pants

lovely pjs made and photographed by Sarah Vine for her entertaining blog: Sew.Knit.Catch Babies

Hello my old darlings

Last week, me and some chums were discussing the truly MENTAL expense of pyjamas plus the loveliness of material evident in the world that was NOT being used to make them!  Electric pink satin Playboy bunny jamas for a nine-year-old girl, anyone?  For twenty-five whole quid?? No, me neither.

So, this week for How-Tuesday, I thought I'd round up some tutorials for pyjama bottoms for your good selves.  When I get round to making a pair, I'll share this with you.  Hope you'll do the same!

I love this one at the ever-dependable Instructables: pyjama tute by Compwalla on - humorous yet simple pattern drafting instructions using clothes that you know already fit you or the recipient of your jama-based gifting. Genius.

Similar skills here at

A bit more complex paper drafting - but possibly with better results - here at

And a freebie PDF download here at - which looks good, if you don't mind sticking together 20 pieces of paper once you've printed it out.  I could manage that, if the drafting techniques above don't work out for me I suppose.  Specially if I can print it out at work, a-hem...

Finally a couple of good blog tutes along the sames lines:  ArtThreads and HawaiiWishes

So, nighty-night all, let me know how you get on.

S x


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