Are sewing parties the new rock and roll?

Some pretty serious sewing went on here, as you can see.

The girls came round yesterday evening with their machines and a few projects in mind.  We cracked open the Mateus and the Maltesers and got our craft on!

As well as laughing, drinking and nattering, we created between us, in the space of about 3 hours:

  • a finished ipad sleeve in beautiful Sydenham map fabric with an orange felt liner
  • a peg bag in floral oilcloth
  • a tote in my new waxed cotton fabric (see my previous Supernice post for more on this)
  • some mending projects from THAT pile which exists in many of our homes.  You know the one, right?
We also traded tips, suggestions and inspiration.  I learnt that there is such a thing as a specific oilcloth sewing machine foot which will just   g  l  i  d  e   over that very grippy fabric.  This may be old news to you but has totally rocked my world!  We discussed a trip to the Stitch & Craft Show at Olympia this March, which looks good fun. I may go and buy an oilcloth foot there. Who knows.

We plan to make this a regular event if we can.  Would  - or do - you like to sew this way too?  Any suggestions for a good group project for our next evening?

Tell me all about it!

S x


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